Elementary Education

Learning Objectives
Approved Program in Elementary Education


Candidates completing a B.A. in Elementary Education will:

  • demonstrate an understanding of curriculum, subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences based on state and local standards and using research-based strategies that meet the needs of all students. (CKES 1, 2) 
  • promote student learning by providing content that engages student in active learning, promoting student acquisition of key knowledge and skills, and addressing individual learning differences. (CKES 3, 4)
  • systematically choose a variety of assessment strategies and instruments and gather, analyze, and use data from these assessments to inform instructional content and delivery methods. (CKES 5, 6) 
  • provide a well-managed, safe, academic environment in which teaching and learning occur at high levels. (CKES 7, 8) 
  • demonstrate a commitment to professional ethics, participate in professional growth opportunities, and communicate with stakeholders in ways that enhance student learning. (CKES 9, 10) 



The Georgia Professional Standards Commission requires that the Department of Education use technology to show that all candidates have met specific standards. To cover the cost of the software used for individual candidate performance, portfolio development, and data collection, a $130 subscription fee is assessed in the spring sophomore course, EDUC 4459 Special Needs and Exceptional Children. While in the program, candidates will be assessed for knowledge of the content standards with Content Diagnostic Assessments throughout the program. Only two attempts are permitted for post content diagnostic.  There shall be a 30 day time period between attempts.  If candidates are unable to pass a content diagnostic after the second attempt, they will be enrolled in the course EDUC 4490S before beginning the second semester of clinical practice (senior year). Failure to pass content diagnostics by the end of the second semester of senior year will result in a change of major to Education Studies.  If candidates obtain a passing score of 70% or more on all five of the content diagnostic assessments, permission will be granted to take the GACE content assessment. Candidates majoring in Elementary Education must pass the GACE Elementary Education Test I & II as a program completion requirement.

Majors and Minors

Major Minor

B.A. in Elementary Education

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